Monthly News and Information

Thank you so much Girl Scout Troup 22335 who MADE and delivered two Buddy Benches to our school.  These were a project that was part of the Cadette's Silver Award and four Cadettes designed and built them.  Buddy Benches are a place where a student can sit near the playground when they feel they need a friend to play with.  When other Eagles notice someone sitting on the bench, they can run over and ask them to come and play.  We are a No Place for Hate school and an AMAZING place to play!

buddy benches

Current 5th grade Eagles (last year's 4th graders) increased our Milestone Math scores by 24 POINTS!!  We received 2nd place among all elementary schools in Newton County!  Watch out everyone, 2nd isn't good enough for us, we're going for the GOLD this year!!!!!

2nd place math scores

2nd place math

Here’s to Ms. Clarke with her time and support of our Math Competition Team! Congratulations to our Mathematicians on their hard work, determination, and team work! ALWAYS making us proud! Here’s to Jaitan, Jonah, Rodney, Rome, Crispin, Patrick, and Iker!
math team